Our Services

We are a consulting firm and specialized exclusively in database and its associated technologies.

Database Consulting is Our Core Business

We are Database Consulting firm and Solution Provider for all major database systems namely Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, DB2, PostgreSQL and Cloud based Databases.

Emergency Support

We provide emergency support 24x7x365 depending on service level agreement via remote monitoring / administration or onsite visit

Remote and on-site consulting

Our Professionals can work at client’s site or remotely from our own operations center. This depends on the choice of the clients, their security policy and project requirements.

Database Administration Solutions

  • 24-Hour SQL Server Monitoring and Administration
  • Reduce Database Administrative Costs by 60%
  • Fully Certified DBAs Available 24x7x365
  • Significantly Increase Database Stability, Reliability, and Performance

DBA Services

  • DB Backups / Maintenance
  • Business Continuity Plan / Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Virtualization / Consolidation
  • Upgrade / Migration
  • Data Replication
  • Performance Tuning
  • DB Security / Security Audits
  • DB Assessments
  • DB Projects
  • DB Troubleshooting

Project Services

Our qualified DBAs are available on demand to assist you with any of your database needs and projects for a short-term or long-term commitment. We also have expertise to manage the entire database projects e.g. design, implementation, upgrade, migration, disaster recovery planning, performance optimization etc.

Maintenance Support

We can also provide weekly, monthly or annual on-site or off-site support to ensure smooth running of database operations of our clients.

Cloud Based Databases

Doddata Services can provide all technical assistance related to the hosting databases in the cloud.

Cloud databases can offer significant advantages over their traditional counterparts, including increased accessibility, automatic failover and fast automated recovery from failures, automated on-the-go scaling, minimal investment and maintenance of in-house hardware, and potentially better performance. At the same time, cloud databases have their share of potential drawbacks, including security and privacy issues as well as the potential loss of or inability to access critical data in the event of a disaster or bankruptcy of the cloud database service provider.

A cloud database is a database that typically runs on a cloud computing platform, such as Amazon EC2, Microsoft, GoGrid and Rackspace. There are two common deployment models: users can run databases on the cloud independently, using a virtual machine image, or they can purchase access to a database service, maintained by a cloud database provider.

There are two primary methods to run a database on the cloud:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas) – Cloud platforms allow users to purchase virtual machine instances for a limited time. It is possible to run a database on these virtual machines. Users can either upload their own machine image with a database installed on it, or use ready-made machine images that already include an optimized installation of a database. For example, Oracle provides a ready-made machine image with an installation of Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition on Amazon EC2.
  • Database as a service – some cloud platforms offer options for using a database as a service, without physically launching a virtual machine instance for the database. In this configuration, application owners do not have to install and maintain the database on their own. Instead, the database service provider takes responsibility for installing and maintaining the database, and application owners pay according to their usage. For example, Amazon Web Services provides three database services as part of its cloud offering, SimpleDB, a NoSQL key-value store, Amazon Relational Database Service, an SQL-based database service with a MySQL interface, and DynamoDB.

A third option is managed database hosting on the cloud, where the database is not offered as a service, but the cloud provider hosts the database and manages it on the application owner’s behalf. For example, cloud provider Rackspace offers managed hosting for MySQL databases.

Virtualization and Consolidation

We are offering a highly cost effective and robust SQL Server Virtualization and consolidation Solution for small, medium and large organizations. Our virtualization and consolidation solution is based on products like VMWare or Microsoft Hyper-V that can host the RDBMS systems:

  • MS SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • Sybase
  • IBM DB2
  • Cloud based Databases

Database Staffing

Doddata Services can help with providing database developers and administrators from their team to fulfill your short-term or long-term DBA staffing or project needs. Our team consists of database experts with the following database skills.

  • MS SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • Sybase
  • IBM DB2
  • Cloud based Databases

Business Intelligence Services

Doddata Services provides comprehensive Business Intelligence consulting services ranging from first time implementations to mature deployments. Our consultants have years of experience with various Business Intelligence software vendors and versions, and we stay current on any new releases so that we can fully support customer upgrades. Our Business Intelligence team has delivered hundreds of projects over the last 10 years and brings expertise in all facets of business analytics, including data architecture and data warehousing.

Our process begins with understanding your business requirements and determining how your business groups consume information. For example, is your business analysis-driven? Is reporting ad hoc or managed? Are reports generated on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis? And in what format do reports come: as graphics, as a list, through a dashboard manager? From that assessment, we create a high-level project plan and a roadmap charting the course for your BI initiative.

Doddata Services offers BI Consulting solutions including:

  • Business Analytics Assessments and Roadmaps
  • BI Software Selection
  • Big Data Solutions
  • Data Warehousing
  • BI Center of Excellence
  • Dashboards and Reporting
  • Data Integration
  • Master Data Management
  • Data Quality
  • Data Governance
  • Cloud Based BI Solutions
  • Managed Services
  • ADP Report Desk Systems

Specific Product Expertise

Our range of business analytics and data warehouse experience crosses many different technologies and platforms. We have implemented BI software tools and manage popular business analytics platforms from Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, Birst, QlikView and Cognos to help you manage costs, enhance business analytics functionality, and improve service levels. Although we have expertise in all these platforms, we bring tremendous experience with the following Product solutions:

  • Microsoft BI Services
  • SAP Business Intelligence
  • Oracle Business Intelligence
  • Oracle Hyperion Practice

Doddata Services will help you draw real-time and valuable insights from the growing mounds of data in your organization. We are experienced in tailoring solutions specific to our customer’s situation to help them get the most from their current business analytics investments.

Quality Assurance

The end-quality of your application is at the heart of our QA and testing services. We work to provide cost-effective and intelligent testing solutions to identify and remove software defects, ensuring that your applications meet their functional requirements.

We have achieved our status of a specialist QA and testing expert by offering solutions that:

  • rely on an intelligent approach to functional testing
  • integrate seamlessly into your internal quality management capabilities
  • adapt and expand to meet the changing business demands and requirements
  • improve the quality and time to market of your application

Our core services include:

  • Intelligent manual testing
  • GUI-based automation
  • Back-end automation

Intelligent manual testing

Our intelligent manual functional and regression testing solutions result in higher end-quality of your application, and set us apart from our competition.

We approach testing as a primary user: working to understand the primary user’s needs and requirements, and testing accordingly. For one of our clients this approach decreased the number of user-found defects by 90%.

Our solution covers all of our clients testing needs including:

  • user acceptance testing
  • system and integration testing
  • operational acceptance testing
  • testing management

GUI-based automation

We recognize the business value of test automation for our clients. We also know that not all automation tools and solutions provide real business benefit when implemented.

Our approach is to insure maximum performance in test automation by providing a fully thought-out implementation plan and an established set of expectations, BEFORE any deployment.

We have extensive experience in test automation, as well as testing harness and framework building which makes us a perfect partner.

Our automation solutions:

  • use off-the-shelf and proprietary tools
  • widen testing scope
  • speed up test execution cycles
  • test the applications with end to end business test scenarios

Back-end automation

Back-end systems are the operational backbones of any business, and testing them requires specific non-trivial solutions.

Providing a back-end test automation solution with real business benefits is a very demanding task. It requires in-depth understanding of the underlying application and its business domain.

We have accumulated a lot of experience and expertise when it comes to back-end systems. As a result of this expertise we’ve developed a proprietary testing tool known as BEST (Back-End System Tester), a platform targeted at testing complex distributed banking/financial applications.

We offer:
  • Proprietary automation tools & frameworks
  • Protocol level automation (FIX, GL, Fidessa OpenAccess, etc.)
  • Complex custom built test harnesses
  • Back end migration and architectural reorganization solutions
  • Capacity and performance testing automation